Bars: 1 licensed bar/buffet at ground level
Limited mobility: Patrons with limited mobility are welcome to use our accessible seating on row J. There are also several rows which involve only one or two steps to access the seating.
Access description: The main entrance to the theatre is through Queen’s Mary’s gardens and is completely level. There is also a more direct entrance through the Theatre Exit Gate which patrons requiring assistance with access are welcome to use. The main entrance is immediately adjacent to the box office. Through the gate you follow a gentle slope with a handrail. The auditorium entrances are opposite and you enter directly onto the theatre’s accessible row with discounted seats for qualifying patrons. The Theatre Exit Gate is immediately off the Inner Circle Road. There is a ramp up to the gate where a member of staff is on hand to assist. Once in the venue’s grounds there is a gently sloped path upwards with the auditorium at the top on your left hand side. Again, you enter the auditorium directly onto the theatre’s access row. Should you require help, the box office staff are on hand to collect tickets on your behalf. The auditorium consists of two tiers. The lower tear has shallow steps which are easier to negotiate than the Upper Tier. Please be aware that the Upper Tier has steeper steps and doesn’t have any handrail support. All patrons need to exit through the Theatre Exit Gate as The Royal Parks lock Queen Mary’s Gardens during the evening performance.
Sound Amplification: Radio-signal system.
Guide Dogs: Guide dogs are welcome and bowls of water can be provided
Disabled Access: The theatre is fully accessible to people with reduced mobility. There is a slight slope up into the theatre and all wheelchair seating (38 spaces) is on the level of entrance into the theatre. The wheelchair is then backed into the designated area and patrons will then have an unobstructed view of the stage. Transfer seats are also available.
Toilets: Large Men's and Women's opposite bar.
Disabled Toilets: Adapted loos are to the left of the box office entrance as you enter the theatre or to the right as you exit the theatre.
Limited Mobility: Access guides, large print programmes, talking programmes on request.
Access to Bars: Tea and cake can be booked in advance for matinee performances and priority suppers can be booked in advance for evening performances. There is also a bar, buffet and barbeque located on site which patrons can select a variety of cocktails, salads, and burgers from.